Adding a QNAP TS-473A to my Ceph Nautilus Cluster

Table of Contents

I added a QNAP TS-473 to my Red Hat Ceph Storage 4 (Nautilus) cluster.

part of my Ceph Dashboard after adding the QNAP TS-473A to the cluster

This is my braindump.

Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5

After initial bringup and a first install of RHEL 8.5, I re-installed RHEL 8.5 using the following kickstart file to use it as a node in my Ceph cluster.

Since I could not get the node to PXE boot, I simply put all I needed in the first install’s grub setup. c.f. towards the end of my Ansible Playbook qnap-ryzen-general-setup-rhel8.yml, further down in this post.

kickstart file RHEL85-QNAP-TS-473A-ks.cfg (click to expand).

# avoid using half arsed names like sda, sdb, etc
# TS-473A User Guide, page 10, says
#   top is M.2 SSD slot 1
# lower is M.2 SSD slot 2
# Disks bays are numbered starting from 1, bay furthest away from the power button.
# for PCIe slots, the user guide says top is slot 1, bottom is slot 2
# NVMe slot 1 /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:03:00.0-nvme-1 (the top slot, contains a Samsung 980 500GB)
# NVMe slot 2 /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:04:00.0-nvme-1 (the bottom slot, contains a Crucial P2 2TB)
# HDD bay 1   /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:07:00.0-ata-1  (bay furthest away from the power button)
# HDD bay 2   /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:07:00.0-ata-2
# HDD bay 3   /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:09:00.0-ata-1
# HDD bay 4   /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:09:00.0-ata-2  (bay closest to the power button)

# reboot after installation is complete?

# OS is installed to the 500GB Samsung NVMe, that is in _M.2 SSD slot 1_, the top slot.
# all other storage is left untouched, ceph-ansible will deal with that
ignoredisk --only-use=/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:03:00.0-nvme-1

# Partition clearing information
# note that  OS goes on a small portion os the device in bay 1, the rest will be allocated to Ceph in a separtate VG.
# so kickstarting with the below clearpart line will nuke the Ceph bits on SSD !!!
clearpart --all --initlabel --drives=/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:03:00.0-nvme-1

# Use graphical install

# Keyboard layouts
keyboard --vckeymap=us --xlayouts='us'

# System language
lang en_US.UTF-8

# Network information all switch ports have the respective VLAN as native
# 2.5 Gig on-board 1 ('access' network)
network  --bootproto=dhcp --device=enp6s0                --ipv6=auto --activate
# 2.5 Gig on-board 2 (will go on 'storage' via ansible)
network  --bootproto=dhcp --device=enp5s0   --onboot=off --ipv6=auto --no-activate
# 10 Gig on PCIe (will go on 'ceph' via ansible)
network  --bootproto=dhcp --device=enp2s0f0 --onboot=off --ipv6=auto --no-activate
# 10 Gig on PCIe slot 2 (PCIe 3.0 x4), currently unused
network  --bootproto=dhcp --device=enp2s0f1 --onboot=off --ipv6=auto --no-activate
# hostname will be set via ansible
network  --hostname=localhost.localdomain

# Use network installation
url --url=""
repo --name="AppStream" --baseurl=

# Root password
rootpw --iscrypted [REDACTED]

# Run the Setup Agent on first boot?
firstboot --disable

# Do not configure the X Window System

# System services
services --enabled="chronyd"

# Intended system purpose
syspurpose --role="Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" --sla="Self-Support" --usage="Development/Test"

# System timezone
timezone Europe/Berlin --isUtc --ntpservers=[REDACTED]

# Ansible user
user --groups=wheel --name=ansible --password=[REDACTED] --iscrypted --gecos="ansible"

# Disk partitioning information
# the 500GB Samsung NVMe in slot 1 will be fully used for the OS
# the   2TB Crucial NVMe in slot 2 and the HDDs in slots 1 through 4
# will be fed to ceph-ansible as devices
# c.f.
part /boot        --fstype="ext4"  --ondisk=/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:03:00.0-nvme-1 --size=1024
part /boot/efi    --fstype="efi"   --ondisk=/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:03:00.0-nvme-1 --size=512    --fsoptions="umask=0077,shortname=winnt"
part pv.01        --fstype="lvmpv" --ondisk=/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:03:00.0-nvme-1 --size=61440  --grow
volgroup VG_OS_NVMe1 --pesize=4096 pv.01
logvol /                   --fstype="xfs"  --size=4096  --name=LV_root       --vgname=VG_OS_NVMe1
logvol swap                --fstype="swap" --size=4096  --name=LV_swap       --vgname=VG_OS_NVMe1
logvol /var                --fstype="xfs"  --size=5120  --name=LV_var        --vgname=VG_OS_NVMe1
logvol /var/log            --fstype="xfs"  --size=4096  --name=LV_var_log    --vgname=VG_OS_NVMe1
logvol /var/crash          --fstype="xfs"  --size=70000 --name=LV_var_crash  --vgname=VG_OS_NVMe1
logvol /var/lib/containers --fstype="xfs"  --size=8192  --name=LV_containers --vgname=VG_OS_NVMe1
logvol /home               --fstype="xfs"  --size=1024  --name=LV_home       --vgname=VG_OS_NVMe1



%addon com_redhat_kdump --enable --reserve-mb='auto'


pwpolicy root --minlen=6 --minquality=1 --notstrict --nochanges --notempty
pwpolicy user --minlen=6 --minquality=1 --notstrict --nochanges --emptyok
pwpolicy luks --minlen=6 --minquality=1 --notstrict --nochanges --notempty

%post --log=/root/ks-post.log
# dump pcfe's ssh key to the root user
# obviously change this to your own pubkey unless you want to grant me root access
mkdir /root/.ssh
chown root.root /root/.ssh
chmod 700 /root/.ssh
cat <<EOF >>/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown root.root /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
restorecon /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

cat <<EOF >>/etc/udev/rules.d/75-disable-5GB-on-board-stick.rules
# The on-board 5GB stick should be disabled
# I currently have no use for it and leaving it untouched allows a reset to the shipped state
# by choosing the USB stick as boot target during POST
# c.f.
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1005", ATTRS{idProduct}=="b155", ATTR{authorized}="0"
chown root.root /etc/udev/rules.d/75-disable-5GB-on-board-stick.rules
chmod 644 /etc/udev/rules.d/75-disable-5GB-on-board-stick.rules
restorecon /etc/udev/rules.d/75-disable-5GB-on-board-stick.rules

# Since Ceph and EPEL should not be mixed,
# pull check-mk-agent from my monitoring server (checkmk Raw edition)
dnf -y install
echo "check-mk-agent installed from monitoring server" >> /etc/motd

# seems I can NOT specify a connection name for the network setup
# so just remove the line setting the name "System enp…" and then move the files
# will do the rest later
# I do this because I find speaking names so much more pleasant
sed --in-place "s/^NAME//g" /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp*
mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp6s0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-2.5G_1
mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp5s0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-2.5G_2
mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp2s0f0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-10G_1
mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp2s0f1 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-10G_2

# disable Red Hat graphical boot (rhgb)
sed --in-place "s/ rhgb//g" /etc/default/grub

echo "kickstarted at `date` for RHEL 8.5 on QNAP TS-473A" >> /etc/motd


Prep, with Ansible, for addition to Ceph Cluster

Ansible Inventory Entries

In the hosts file used by my workstation

ts-473a-01                  ansible_user=ansible

In the hosts file used by my ceph-ansible control node

group_vars/QNAP_Ryzen_boxes.yml (click to expand).
user_owner: pcfe
ansible_user: ansible
common_timezone: Europe/Berlin

Sets some variables used by my role pcfe.user_owner.

inventories/host_vars/ts-473a-01.yml (click to expand).
  - name: "System 2.5G_1"
    type: ethernet
    interface_name: "enp6s0"
    zone: "public"
    state: up
    persistent_state: present
      dhcp4:      no
      auto6:      yes

  - name: "System 2.5G_2"
    type: "ethernet"
    interface_name: "enp5s0"
    zone: "public"
    state: up
    persistent_state: present
      dhcp4:      no
      auto6:      yes
      route_append_only: yes

  - name: "System 10G_1"
    type: "ethernet"
    mtu: 9000
    interface_name: "enp2s0f0"
    zone: "public"
    state: up
    persistent_state: present
      dhcp4:      no
      auto6:      yes
      route_append_only: yes

# There is no need to muck around with the osd_memory_target settting on the QNAP TS-473A, it has 64 GiB RAM.

# avoid using half arsed names like sda, sdb, etc
# mapping is:
# NVMe slot 1 /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:03:00.0-nvme-1 (the top slot, contains a Samsung 980 500GB)
# NVMe slot 2 /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:04:00.0-nvme-1 (the bottom slot, contains a Crucial P2 2TB)
# HDD bay 1   /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:07:00.0-ata-1  (bay furthest away from the power button)
# HDD bay 2   /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:07:00.0-ata-2
# HDD bay 3   /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:09:00.0-ata-1
# HDD bay 4   /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:09:00.0-ata-2  (bay closest to the power button)
dmcrypt: True
osd_objectstore:  bluestore
osd_scenario:     lvm
  - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:04:00.0-nvme-1
  - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:07:00.0-ata-1
  - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:07:00.0-ata-2
  - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:09:00.0-ata-1
  - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:09:00.0-ata-2

tuned_profile:  powersave

Sets variables used to configure

  • network connections
  • ceph-ansible
  • tuned

Initial Setup

Ansible Playbook qnap-ryzen-initial-setup-rhel8.yml (click to expand).
# sets up a RHEL 8 minimal install to be ready for ceph-ansible
# the playbook runs as root (see ansible_user line below) and preps the node for normal ansible operations wit the ansible user and ensures access to Red Hat subscriptions is used.
# Expect the redhat_subscription task to take more than one but less than five minutes
# this is for my home setup, not for production!
- hosts:
  - QNAP_Ryzen_boxes

  become: false

    - pcfe.user_owner
    - pcfe.basic-security-setup
    - pcfe.housenet

  # no need for double indirect if you are OK with checking in ak details into git
  # this is OK to do if you use an in-house Satellite server and your security policies allow it
  # this is not a good idea if you register your systems directly to and cannot guarantee that your git remains private
    - "vars/subscription-manager-autoattach-ak-secrets.yml"
    ansible_user: root
    user_owner: ansible
    common_timezone: Europe/Berlin
    rhsm_activationkey: "{{ vaulted_rhsm_activationkey }}"
    rhsm_org_id: "{{ vaulted_rhsm_org_id }}"
    rhsm_pool_ids: "{{ vaulted_rhsm_pool_ids }}"

    # work around identical UUID on each host as per
    # The TerraMaster F5-422 boxes all have the same system-uuid :-(
    # and if I look at `dmidecode -s system-uuid` that looks surprisingly regular. I'll know for sure if I  ever purchase another of these
    # RHSM does not like that, so override to avoid both
    # "HTTP error (409 - Conflict): Request failed due to concurrent modification, please re-try.\n"
    # and all 4 boxes overriding each other in insights inventory
    - name: "RHSM | ensure uuid override is derived from fqdn, QNAP TS-473A all seem to have, like all F5-422 I own, the same system-uuid in DMI"
        dest: "/etc/rhsm/facts/uuid_override.facts"
        owner: "root"
        group: "root"
        mode: 0644
        content: |
          {"dmi.system.uuid": "{{ ansible_fqdn | to_uuid }}"}          

    - name: "RHSM on the RHEL8 boxes"
        - name: "RHSM | ensure system is registered with my activation key"
            activationkey:  "{{ rhsm_activationkey }}"
            org_id:         "{{ rhsm_org_id }}"
              usage: "Development/Test"
              role: ""
              service_level_agreement: "Self-Support"
          tags: do_subsmgr_register
        # n.b. those are the prerequisites, all repos off except BaseOS and AppStream
        # the repos for MON, OSD, … will be handled in another playbook. (which no longer disables all and does not have the delay that using redhat_subscription task brings)
        - name: "RHSM | disable all repositories, next task will enable needed repos"
            name: '*'
            state: disabled
        - name: "RHSM | ensure RHEL8 BaseOS repos needed for Ceph are enabled"
              - rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms
              - rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms
            state: enabled
      when: ansible_distribution == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "8"
      tags: do_subsmgr_all

    # !!!
    # if I ever enable EPEL, then I MUST exclude
    # - ansible
    # - ceph
    # in the EPEL repo files to ensure no newer versions of those packages are pulled in from EPEL
    # exclude = *ceph* nfs-ganesha-rgw rbd-mirror *ansible*
    # !!!
    - name: "REPOS | ensure EPEL is disabled"
        name: epel
        state: absent

    # start by enabling time sync, RHSM operations will fail on too large time delta
    # note that this uses chronyd, not ntpd.
    - name: "CHRONYD | ensure chrony is installed"
        name:       chrony
        state:      present
    - name:         "CHRONYD | ensure chrony-wait is enabled"
        name:       chrony-wait
        enabled:    true
    - name:         "CHRONYD | ensure chronyd is enabled and running"
        name:       chronyd
        enabled:    true
        state:      started
    # enable persistent journal
    # instructs to sinmply mkdir as root, so drop the owner, group and mode lines
    - name: "JOURNAL | ensure persistent logging for the systemd journal is possible"
        path: /var/log/journal
        state: directory

    # 2.10. Enabling Password-less SSH for Ansible
    - name: "SUDO | enable passwordless sudo for user {{ user_owner }}"
        dest: '/etc/sudoers.d/{{ user_owner }}'
        content: |
          {{ user_owner }}   ALL=NOPASSWD:   ALL          
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0440

    # Ensure the ansible user can NOT log in with password
    - name: "Ensure the ansible user can NOT log in with password"
        name: '{{ user_owner }}'
        password_lock: True

    # Install prerequisites
    - name: "package | ensure prerequisites needed in addition to minimal install are present"
          - yum-utils
          - vim
        state: present

That Playbook can take a moment to run because I have to do rhsm operations. It:

  • ensures the node is registered with subscription-manager
  • ensures prerequisites from the Red Hat Ceph Storage 4 installation guide are fulfilled
  • ensures I have persistent journal logging
  • ensures the ansible user, that ceph-ansible will connect as, is set up as needed

General Setup

Ansible Playbook qnap-ryzen-general-setup-rhel8.yml (click to expand).
- hosts:
  - QNAP_Ryzen_boxes
  become: true
    - pcfe.user_owner
    - pcfe.basic-security-setup
    - pcfe.housenet
    - pcfe.comfort
    # - pcfe.checkmk

    - name: grub2-mkconfig | run
      command: grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg

    # Install some tools
    - name: "PACKAGE | tool installation"
          - pciutils
          - usbutils
          - nvme-cli
          - fio
          - powertop
          - tuned
          - tuned-utils
          - numactl
          - mailx
          - teamd
          - NetworkManager-team
          - iperf3
          - tcpdump
          - hwloc
          - hwloc-gui
        state: present
        update_cache: no

    # sets static network config (from host_vars)
    # but I want the static hostname nailed down too
    - name: "set hostname"
        name:          "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
        use:           systemd

    # FIXME: should also find a module to do `hostnamectl set-chassis server`

    # enable watchdog
    # it's a
    # Dec 19 15:09:08 kernel: sp5100_tco: SP5100/SB800 TCO WatchDog Timer Driver
    # Dec 19 15:09:08 kernel: sp5100-tco sp5100-tco: Using 0xfeb00000 for watchdog MMIO address
    # and modinfo says
    # parm:           heartbeat:Watchdog heartbeat in seconds. (default=60) (int)
    # parm:           nowayout:Watchdog cannot be stopped once started. (default=0) (bool)
    - name: "WATCHDOG | ensure kernel module sp5100_tco has correct options configured"
        path:         /etc/modprobe.d/sp5100_tco.conf
        create:       true
        regexp:       '^options '
        insertafter:  '^#options'
        line:         'options sp5100_tco nowayout=0'

    # configure both watchdog.service and systemd watchdog, but only use the latter
    - name: "WATCHDOG | ensure watchdog package is installed"
        name:         watchdog
        state:        present
        update_cache: no
    - name: "WATCHDOG | ensure correct watchdog-device is used by watchdog.service"
        path:         /etc/watchdog.conf
        regexp:       '^watchdog-device'
        insertafter:  '^#watchdog-device'
        line:         'watchdog-device = /dev/watchdog0'
    - name: "WATCHDOG | ensure timeout is set to 30 seconds for watchdog.service"
        path:         /etc/watchdog.conf
        regexp:       '^watchdog-timeout'
        insertafter:  '^#watchdog-timeout'
        line:         'watchdog-timeout = 30'
    # Using systemd watchdog rather than watchdog.service
    - name: "WATCHDOG | ensure watchdog.service is disabled"
        name:         watchdog.service
        state:        stopped
        enabled:      false
    # configure systemd watchdog
    # c.f.
    - name: "WATCHDOG | ensure systemd watchdog is enabled"
        path:         /etc/systemd/system.conf
        regexp:       '^RuntimeWatchdogSec'
        insertafter:  'EOF'
        line:         'RuntimeWatchdogSec=30'
    - name: "WATCHDOG | ensure systemd shutdown watchdog is enabled"
        path:         /etc/systemd/system.conf
        regexp:       '^ShutdownWatchdogSec'
        insertafter:  'EOF'
        line:         'ShutdownWatchdogSec=30'

    # install and enable rngd
    - name: "RNGD | ensure rng-tools package is installed"
        name:         rng-tools
        state:        present
        update_cache: no
    - name: "RNGD | ensure rngd.service is enabled and started"
        name:         rngd.service
        state:        started
        enabled:      true

    # ensure tuned is set up as I wish
    - name: "TUNED | ensure tuned.service is enabled and running"
        name:           tuned.service
        state:          started
        enabled:        true
    - name: "TUNED | check which tuned profile is active"
      command:        tuned-adm active
      register:       tuned_active_profile
      ignore_errors:  yes
      changed_when:   no
    - name: "TUNED | activate tuned profile {{ tuned_profile }}"
      command:        "tuned-adm profile {{ tuned_profile }}"
      when:           not tuned_active_profile.stdout is search('Current active profile:' ~ ' ' ~ tuned_profile)

    # install cockpit, but disabled for now
    - name: "COCKPIT | ensure packages for are installed"
          - cockpit
          - cockpit-selinux
          - cockpit-kdump
          - cockpit-system
        state: present
        update_cache: no
    - name: "COCKPIT | ensure cockpit.socket is stopped and disabled"
        name:       cockpit.socket
        state:      stopped
        enabled:    False
    - name: "COCKPIT | ensure firewalld forbids service cockpit in zone public"
        service:    cockpit
        zone:       public
        permanent:  True
        state:      disabled
        immediate:  True

     # enable kdump.service since kickstart now creates a sufficiently large /var/crash
    # alternatively, you could set up netdump
    - name: "Ensure kdump.service is enabled and started"
        name:         kdump.service
        state:        started
        enabled:      True

    # podman
    - name: "PACKAGE | ensure podman is installed"
          - podman
          - podman-docker
        state: present
        update_cache: no

    # setroubleshoot, see also
    - name: "PACKAGE | ensure setroubleshoot for headless server is installed"
          - setroubleshoot-server
          - setroubleshoot-plugins
        state: present
        update_cache: no

    - name: "MONITORING | ensure packages for monitoring are installed"
          - smartmontools
          - hdparm
          - check-mk-agent
          - lm_sensors
        state: present
        update_cache: no

    - name: "MONITORING | ensure firewalld permits 6556 in zone public for check-mk-agent"
        port:       6556/tcp
        permanent:  True
        state:      enabled
        immediate:  True
        zone:       public
    - name: "MONITORING | ensure tarsnap cache is in fileinfo"
        path: /etc/check_mk/fileinfo.cfg
        line: "/usr/local/tarsnap-cache/cache"
        create: yes
    - name: "MONITORING | ensure entropy_avail plugin for Check_MK is present"
        src:        templates/check-mk-agent-plugin-entropy_avail.j2
        dest:       /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins/entropy_avail
        mode:       0755
        group:      root
        owner:      root
    - name: "MONITORING | plugins from running CEE instance"
        url: "{{ item }}"
        dest: "/usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins/{{ item }}"
        mode: "0755"
        - smart
        - lvm
    - name: "MONITORING | ensure check_mk.socket is started and enabled"
        name:       check_mk.socket
        state:      started
        enabled:    True

    - name: "Ensure powertop autotune service runs once at boot"
        name:       powertop
        state:      stopped
        enabled:    True

    # I admit, the regexp is a search engine hit
    # maybe using grubby(8) would be more readable
    # -
    # -
    - name: "GRUB | ensure console blanking is disabled in defaults file plus handler"
        state: present
        dest: /etc/default/grub
        backrefs: yes
        regexp: '^(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=(?!.* consoleblank)\"[^\"]+)(\".*)'
        line: '\1 consoleblank=0\2'
      notify: grub2-mkconfig | run

    # Since I do not manage to get these TS-473A to PXE boot, add an entry into grub
    # so that I can kickstart the box after this without fiddling with a USB stick
    - name: "GRUB | ensure initrd for RHEL 8.5 kickstart is present"
        url: ""
        dest: "/boot/initrd-kickstart-rhel85.img"
        mode: "0600"
    - name: "GRUB | ensure kernel for RHEL 8.5 kickstart is present"
        url: ""
        dest: "/boot/vmlinuz-kickstart-rhel85"
        mode: "0755"
    - name: "GRUB | ensure kickstarting RHEL 8.5 entry is present"
        dest: "/etc/grub.d/11_RHEL85_kickstart"
        owner: "root"
        group: "root"
        mode: 0755
        content: |
          exec tail -n +3 $0
          # This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries.  Simply type the
          # menu entries you want to add after this comment.  Be careful not to change
          # the 'exec tail' line above.
          menuentry "WARNING Kickstart this box with RHEL 8.5 as a TS-473A ceph node WARNING" {
              linuxefi /vmlinuz-kickstart-rhel85 ip=dhcp inst.repo= inst.ks=
              initrdefi /initrd-kickstart-rhel85.img
      notify: grub2-mkconfig | run

    # upgrade the box
    - name: "package | ensure all updates are applied"
        update_cache: yes
        name: '*'
        state: latest
      tags: apply_errata

That Playbook:

  • ensures my network connections are set up to my liking and Ceph needs (
  • ensures I have a user account on the node (pcfe.user_owner)
  • ensures SELinux is in enforcing mode and password authentication for ssh is disabled (pcfe.basic-security-setup)
  • ensures my user account is set up to my liking (pcfe.comfort)
  • ensures some tools I like to use are installed
  • ensures the hostname is set
  • ensures the hardware watchdog is set up
  • ensures rngd is active
  • ensures my chosen tuned profile is active
  • ensures Cockpit is installed
  • for now ensures Cockpit is disabled
  • ensures kdump is active
  • ensures setroubleshoot is set up for headless operation
  • ensures I can monitor the node with my Checkmk server
  • ensures powertop --auto-tune runs once at boot
  • ensures I can kickstart the node from grub
  • ensures all updates are applied

Copy over host_… and group_vars

Since for ceph-ansible use I need the below, I simply copy over my host_vars and group_vars shown at the start of this post to the host I use ceph-ansible on.

dmcrypt: True
osd_objectstore: bluestore
osd_scenario: lvm
  - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:04:00.0-nvme-1
  - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:07:00.0-ata-1
  - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:07:00.0-ata-2
  - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:09:00.0-ata-1
  - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:09:00.0-ata-2

Add to Inventory used by ceph-ansible

For today, only put OSDs on, I’ll move some daemons from F5-422 nodes to this way more powerful node later.


Run ceph-ansible

As expected, that was completely hassle-free,

[ansible@ceph-ansible ~]$ cd /usr/share/ceph-ansible
[ansible@ceph-ansible ceph-ansible]$ ansible-playbook site-container.yml

Cluster State after Expansion

[root@f5-422-01 ~]# podman exec --interactive --tty ceph-mon-f5-422-01 ceph df
    CLASS     SIZE       AVAIL      USED        RAW USED     %RAW USED 
    hdd       32 TiB     26 TiB     5.2 TiB      5.3 TiB         16.60 
    TOTAL     32 TiB     26 TiB     5.2 TiB      5.3 TiB         16.60 
    POOL                           ID     STORED      OBJECTS     USED        %USED     MAX AVAIL 
    cephfs_data                     1     300 GiB       1.14M     1.1 TiB      4.41       7.6 TiB 
    cephfs_metadata                 2     783 MiB     182.05k     1.2 GiB         0       7.6 TiB 
    .rgw.root                       3     2.4 KiB           6     1.1 MiB         0       7.6 TiB 
    default.rgw.control             4         0 B           8         0 B         0       7.6 TiB 
    default.rgw.meta                5     5.0 KiB          28     4.5 MiB         0       7.6 TiB 
    default.rgw.log                 6     3.5 KiB         208     6.2 MiB         0       7.6 TiB 
    libvirt                        10     5.4 GiB       1.44k      16 GiB      0.07       7.6 TiB 
    device_health_metrics          11      49 MiB          17      49 MiB         0       7.6 TiB 
    rbd                            12       126 B           3     192 KiB         0       7.6 TiB 
    default.rgw.buckets.index      13      76 KiB          55      76 KiB         0       7.6 TiB       14      14 GiB       3.84k      41 GiB      0.18       7.6 TiB 
    default.rgw.buckets.non-ec     15     1.5 KiB          58      11 MiB         0       7.6 TiB 
    ocs_rbd                        17     158 GiB      41.91k     474 GiB      1.99       7.6 TiB 
    cinder                         18        19 B           1     192 KiB         0       7.6 TiB 
    proxmox_rbd                    19      61 GiB      34.15k     189 GiB      0.80       7.6 TiB 
[root@f5-422-01 ~]# podman exec ceph-mon-f5-422-01 ceph osd tree
 -1       31.68657 root default                                
 -9        4.09348     host f5-422-01                          
  2   hdd  1.97089         osd.2           up  1.00000 1.00000 
  6   hdd  1.06129         osd.6           up  1.00000 1.00000 
 10   hdd  1.06129         osd.10          up  1.00000 1.00000 
 -7        5.00307     host f5-422-02                          
  3   hdd  1.97089         osd.3           up  1.00000 1.00000 
  7   hdd  1.97089         osd.7           up  1.00000 1.00000 
 11   hdd  1.06129         osd.11          up  1.00000 1.00000 
 -5        2.12259     host f5-422-03                          
  4   hdd  1.06129         osd.4           up  1.00000 1.00000 
  8   hdd  1.06129         osd.8           up  1.00000 1.00000 
 -3        4.09348     host f5-422-04                          
  1   hdd  1.97089         osd.1           up  1.00000 1.00000 
  5   hdd  1.06129         osd.5           up  1.00000 1.00000 
  9   hdd  1.06129         osd.9           up  1.00000 1.00000 
-11       16.37396     host ts-473a-01                         
  0   hdd  4.09349         osd.0           up  1.00000 1.00000 
 12   hdd  4.09349         osd.12          up  1.00000 1.00000 
 13   hdd  4.09349         osd.13          up  1.00000 1.00000 
 14   hdd  4.09349         osd.14          up  1.00000 1.00000