
agents, putty, shared home and Windows

On customer site, I am quite often forced to use a Windows machine to access the Linux boxes I work on. This means I will not have an ssh-agent (nor a gpg-agent) running on the machine I’m sitting at (the Win box) and the Linux boxes I access via putty tend to have shared home directories.

Long story short, I need one agent per Linux box taking into account that I may have more than one login shell to the Linux box (i.e. multiple putty windows) and config files including the hostname.

systemd TOC

While I do like Lennart’s blog posts on systemd, I waste way too much time finding specific articles. So here are my own links with post title.

ThinkPad x230

In February 2013, I got a new work laptop. It’s a Lenovo ThinkPad x230.

These are my installation notes.